Friday, May 19, 2017

Week 14. Blogpost by the curator - Stina

Hello again!

This week of our final task (!!!) I chose to be the curator. We only had one source this week and you can find it by clicking HERE. It is quite dificult to make a tree out of one source, so there you go.

I really enjoyed reading the text because I thought it was really interesting. It was a good way to understand what really makes a school a good user of technology and a inspiration to future knowledge about the school organization. It got me to think a lot about how you can see a schools developing pace through only a few quoestion to see if they are ready to really integrate with the evolution of the school organization.

It also got me to think that not only as  prinicipal you have to be aware of these questions but also as a teacher and a student. People within the school organization needs to be aware of the development goal of the school in some way.

That was basically my thoughts about this week. Hasta luego!

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