Friday, May 5, 2017

Task 10, PLE, Ebru's picture


Hi! Iam Ebru from Ladies&Gentleman group. I want to talk about my PLE.
I am a kind of person that love to learn something by interacting with people who are older or more experienced than me. Also, making associations between things are important for me because it is always a good way to not to forget something. I mean the more associations you make, the more knowledge is permament .Inspriation, create, colloborate,connect, communicate,research are core elements that people should have these features. I think like many people, I have these more or less.Moreover, I like to learn searching on the internet or looking for some sources in the library. I generally use Google, Powerpoint,Blog,Twitter,Facebook,Instagram etc. When it comes to criticize myself, as everyone can not be perfect, maybe I can use more technological apps both to save my time and to be more creative because these tools provide many opportunities. Why I chose this picture ? Because, suppose that I am an unexperienced little bird that I am trying to learn to flying from older birds and share their ideas. 

Have a nice weekend!

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