Thursday, February 9, 2017

Week 2, post by the star, Rajae.

Did you ever thought about an alternative way to express a message? Well, this was our mission of this week …

On wednesday i was really surprised about the power of pictures in the sense of the power of making us reflecting about the possible meaning, not only that but also the different meanings they were coming out, while my mates were looking at the pictures. This fact made me reflect that there is no absolute truth, each one of my classmates was talking taking into account his experiences and previous knowledge.

How i could forget that? i honestly appreciate the speed dating format, it is unbelievable how it promotes active learning, i can see many pros of this dynamic:

  1. Students are active, happy as well as having fun!
  2. Students establish new relationships.
  3. Students know each other.
  4. The level of learning is much more higher, as ideas and information are shared
  5. Above all , pupils improve their communication skills, which will affect in a positive way their development as professional teachers.

There is no words to describe how i felt while i  was presenting my group’s work and the whole class listening(amazing feeling) , you can not imagine how thankful i am to be here !

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