Friday, February 24, 2017

Week 4, Post by the Star, EBRU

                             AIM FOR THE STARS !

     Hi everyone! I am Ebru. I was the 4th week's star of the group. It was for the first time for me to be a star in the group. Therefore, I have many things in my mind to say. Firstly, I want to mention about my experiences during presentation. Being an erasmus student  affects the way you present because when you can not express something, there is no chance to say it in your mother language. When I took this role, I tried to focus on my work and do my best. However, to be honest, I did not like my performance. Due to my high excitement, I could not focus on presentation during presenting. But, for me, it is more important to take lessons from this experience and doing better in the next one. Also, my group friends worked well and we motivated each other during working.

         Moreover, I searched for some ways to develop our skills to make good presentations. This knowledge will also help my friends.

Let's look at some tips to make a good presentation.

-Think about the presentation beforehand.

-Do use PowerPoint.

-Face your audience at all times.

-Be very clear about how much time you have.

-Be very clear about your key message.

-E-mail your presentation to the event organisers in advance.

-Make copies of your slides available.

-Ensure that the slides look good.

-Make appropriate use of pictures.

I hope these tips help us to make better presentations. 


Hasta luego!!

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