Friday, February 24, 2017

Week 4, blogpost by the Faciliator - Stina

Hola! This week I had the role of the facilitator and our group assignment was to present the different map projections (Mercator, Robinson and Azimuthal). 

At Monday this week we had a meeting and we finished most of our work together after school. During this meeting we discussed the different topics and decided how we wanted to present our work. I think that as the facilitator I have a really easy role, because we do think a like most of the time so there doesn't really have to be any "bossing around". Everyone in the group is doing their job and that is a very good quality in this group. I have tried to taken my responsability to answers question, to maybe guide some of my co-workers if they feel lost or whatever and also I have just been trying to have a positive attitude to everything we do in our group. 

This role I believe can be really satisfying or the complete opposite. Just because in some groups there might be real difficulties and that could be real difficult to handle. But I think it is really good for the future and adding these roles in other situations aswell, because it doesn't really matter where you are in life, you always get a role somehow.

Otherwise I have enjoyed this weeks assignment. It was very interesting and I think my group did a good job! 



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