Thursday, February 16, 2017

Week 3, post by the Journalist , EBRU

 Keep your eyes open and look Ladies&Gentlemen this week's work!!!

          First of all, we started this week with patient, ambition, and determined. To get the highest yield, we chose the role that is most appropriate for each of us. We met timeously during the week. In some quiet classes we tried to do our works. The important point for us was  to work together and share our ideas. By the way, our this week's subject was the TPACK which is a framework for teacher knowledge for technology integration called technological pedagogical content knowledge. The interaction of these bodies of knowledge, both theoretically and in practice, produces the types of flexible knowledge needed to succesfully integrate technology use into teaching.
         After we finished our own task, we discussed about tasks whether to change them or not. Then, we started to prepare the poster of TPACK.

The presentation day
After we prepared our poster, we studied one more time. The stars of the group  who were Samuel Marín García and Mitchell Martínez Woolhouse did presentation of our poster.

The subject of this week ,TPACK, was presented in these points:

   ⇒The Challenges of Teaching With Technology                    
An Approach to Thinking About Technology Integration
The TPACK Framework                                                   
Content Knowledge                                                          
Pedagogical Knowledge                                                   
Pedagogical Content Knowledge                                     
Technology Knowledge                                                    
Technological Content Knowledge                                  
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge                           
Implications of the TPACK Framework                          

After every group  presented their work to their own group, stars of each group started to present their work to other groups. And each star tried to introduce their TPACK poster .

Almost every group presented their poster successfully. For example, they worked cooperatively, spoke fluently and the way they expressed their ideas was understandable.The material and content were related well. They were good at all.

Finally, there are some blogs that I can offer you because they are really helpful for learning TPACK better.
Also, you can see some videos on these blogs. They clarify TPACK.


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