Saturday, May 20, 2017

Final Task. Our design of the interview

This is the questions we have decided would be useful in deciding  whether a school is using technology effectively.


What has the development looked like in your school over the 10 years?

Which of the three dimensions are your school strongest? (pedagogical, technological or organisational)

How do you educate your staff and student to become good users of technology?

How much is the technology affecting the economy?
The comprehensive and customized professional development, or as it is called the CPD, that is used to develop teachers skills in the usage of technology. Do your school meet these needs?

Can you explain briefly what are the basic, thematic elements of DisCompOrg Framework?

Technological developments are happening very rapidly and it is difficult to precisely implement it. So, what is needed in the process of DisCompOrg?

Which educational organisations are intended in this framework?

Do you think the technology in your school is as up to date as necessary to adequately us it your lessons?

Do your evaluation methods have a section about technology and its use? Are these evaluation methods revised and updated periodically?

Would you consider that the persons implementing technology actually use it and themselves and are skilled with it?

Apart from the “Class rules” do you have any “Online rules”?

Would you be able to asses and give the enough feedback to a student so that he could practice an “autonomous” learning?

Would you be able to achieve cross-curricular knowledge through technology?

Friday, May 19, 2017

Week 14. Blogpost by the curator - Stina

Hello again!

This week of our final task (!!!) I chose to be the curator. We only had one source this week and you can find it by clicking HERE. It is quite dificult to make a tree out of one source, so there you go.

I really enjoyed reading the text because I thought it was really interesting. It was a good way to understand what really makes a school a good user of technology and a inspiration to future knowledge about the school organization. It got me to think a lot about how you can see a schools developing pace through only a few quoestion to see if they are ready to really integrate with the evolution of the school organization.

It also got me to think that not only as  prinicipal you have to be aware of these questions but also as a teacher and a student. People within the school organization needs to be aware of the development goal of the school in some way.

That was basically my thoughts about this week. Hasta luego!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Week 13, Blogpost 13 by the analyst Louise

Hello everyone, this week I was the analyst.

This week's task has been about the complexity of the school organization which is very important for us teacher to have knowledge about.We have read different texts about this. The texts were both in Spanish and English, so I read the English one. The subject is interesting and the text brought many thoughts to me how important it is that the development is moving forward in ICT.

The schools have been slowed down with ICT because people have been afraid of develop. I think it's good that we have access to this knowledge now before we become educated teachers. I think by include different tools in teaching catch many of the students' interests. But some schools are not there yet, they does not have technologic and that`s a big problem. So we have to change that when we come out as a fully qualified teacher! 

Otherwise, I think the work this week has gone well. Besides, some of us had to take more roles on the presentation day because of illness and other courses.

Bye, bye Louise 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Week 13, blogpost by the Translator, Ebru

Hello everyone !

This week I am the translator and here are 5 most important concepts that we have learnt this week.

Twenty first century skills:  include creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, 
collaboration and communication.

Learning organizations : is an organization skilled in creating, acquiring, interpreting, transferring and retaining knowledge and at purposefully modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights ,increasing the learning capacity to reach a state of continuous change or transformation. A learning organization as a place that is:  Schools as Learning Communities asssociated with a core set of conditions and processes that support the ability of an organization to value, acquire, and use information and tacit knowledge acquired from employees and stakeholders to successfully plan, implement, and evaluate strategies to achieve performance goals.

Professional learning communities (PLC):  a growing practice in schools that incorporates many of the components of a learning organization centered on collaboration and team learning. 

Technology’s Impact on Learning Practices: Revolutions in technology enable learners to access what they want to know, when they want to know it, in the way in which they would like to learn it—deepening our reliance on informal learning approaches.

Informal learning:
Informal and incidental learning strategies, mediated by technology, that enable organizations to target learning to individual needs without the abstractness or complexities of fixed time, fixed place, trainer. Informal learning happens throughout people’s lives in a highly personalized manner based on their particular needs, interests, and past experiences. This type of multi-faceted learning is voluntary, self-directed, and often mediated within a social context. It provides an experiential base and motivation for further activity and subsequent learning.

These are the concepts that are worth to know and also we made relationship with the Complexity Theory with these concepts; Complex Context, Emerging Knowledge, Diversity and Redundancy, Randomleness & Determinism, Change & Complexity.

That's end for this week. 
Have a nice weekend !!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Week 13. Blogpost by the facilitator, Stina

Hello Everyone! This week I was the facilitator.

The roles of this week has been a bit unclear we think we have been a little bit of everything and anything this week, just because of illness and our different schedules. But any how, this week we have been working with the complexity of the school organization and what the factors are that makes it so complicated.

The complexity of the school organization is the most interesting thing for me as a future teacher. I love to face this kind of "problems". This is also one of the reason almost anyone is a great fit for the school life, because of the complex ways the school is ruled anyone can join with their ideas and creativity, it all depends on, where, when and how.

The reading this week I could only participate in the english texts, which I thought was really interesting. It got me to think about what century we really live in. A complex one, where the technology has occured in the centre of school, or daily lifes and in many other jobs and events. Most of the things are created through the web today which leads us to the conlcusion that this is what the school needs to develop, the technology usage. As they brought up in  the texts there is still many schools who are not ready to adapt the newest technology and this is a problem. It is a problem that the school is somehow a bit slower than society today and I guess that is why todays schools are getting a lot of criticism (at least in Sweden). They have not adapt  the right technology, information, resources or knowledge about how the technology affects our society. Even if many people are aware and use instagram, it is not enough to being able to develop och emerge the students learning and knowledge. Which is the main mission.

My last thought about this task is that I believe that in ten or twenty years the school will hopefully understood the importance of the pace that the technology has and has get rid of the factors that slows down the progress of ICT in schools, which also has been slowing down the learning. The factors could be anything as, unnecassary technology (that does not give the effect of learning as hoped), staff or the way the schools thinks about the technology use. Do not get me wrong though. I, myself believe that we all need to take a break from the usage of social media and so on from time to time, because of the stress it is showen to give us. But I also believe that schools need to enhance all the important and good things about technology so the schools can be effective and a place where learning is in centre. And who know, by that we might create a total new society??

Hasta Luego!

Week 13, blogpost by the Curator, Samuel

Hi everyone, these are the resources our group used this week:

  • Marsick, V. J., Watkins, K. E., & Boswell, S. A. (2013). Schools as learning communities. In Ronghuai Huang, Kinshuk & J. Michael Spector (Eds.). Reshaping Learning . Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (pp. 71-88).

  •  González, M. T. G. (2003). Estructuras para el trabajo y la coordinación de los profesores en los centros. En Gonzalez, M.T., Portela, A. & Nieto, J.M. (Coords.) Organización y gestión de centros escolares: dimensiones y procesos (pp. 57-74). Pearson Educación.

As well as these ones, we used some elements from previous tasks:
  • Starkey, L. (2012). Teaching and learning in the digital age. London: Routledge Capts 1 and 4

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Week 12, post by the Curator, Pedro

Hi everyone, I'm Pedro and this week I am the Ladies&Gentlemen's curator. In this different week we have worked in another way. We have done a task about PLE (Personal Learning Environment), which I have found very interesting, and also Thinglink.
This week we haven't needed many websites and references to complete our task, but I write them right down.




Friday, May 5, 2017

Week 12, blogpost by the translator - Stina

Hello! This week I was the translator and these are the 5 terms that we learnt!

1. PLE - which stands for Personal Learning Environment. Basically it is how and where you get access to the things you learn, where and how you modify and with who you in the best way learn. This picture describes it in a more clear way:

2. Different type of learners - This week we got to experience that their are small differences of how we individually learn in the best way possible. For example their could be students who learn better by: learning by doing or just to listen or read.

3. Multiple intelligences - The thing is that this week we could notice that multiple intelligences had a link between the way we learn. We could add different things of the eight different modalities and add them up to how well we learn something. Even if this is another subject, psychology and learning is something that is linked and it was useful in this case, for our group.

4. Educational learning - Which leads us to the topic of how a teacher should see learning. There are many ways of learning and also many student that learn differently. Even if some students are diagnosed the same, lets say for example with autism there is no shore way that these two students will have the same learning ability. HERE, is good articles to understand it better.

5. Thinglink - THIS webpage was something that we found useful and interesting for this week. It was useful to upload and send out links in the picture to express our ideas, of different ways of learning this time. It is also something that our student will be able to use in tasks in the future to create and share ideas all over but also a fun way to learn about things and learn how to take care of keywords of the things you learn.

Hasta luego!

Week 12, post by the Facilitator, Mitchell

Hello everyone!
This weeks task was about our own  Personal Learning Environment, personally I like this type of tasks that involve reflecting, specially if its about how do you know something, or shall I say metacognition .. (educational psychology student joke, badumtss)
From the task there is no much I can say to you about my self because I already am one of the subjects who we explained where we learn from so in this same blog you can see the post where we explained basically what would be my PLE.
And speaking now as a facilitator, today was a very easy week for my role; since on Monday it was bank holiday we didn't have any class, so for this week we only had to meet in class on Wednesday where they explained the task and that same day we had enough time to do it. So since my job is to keep people "focused" and that I really didn't have to do any specific task as the facilitator, and because I have an also team of course!
Anyway, thats it for this week if I can help in any way let me know and I will be pleaded to
Have a nice weekend!

Week 12, blogpost by the Analyst, Ebru

Hi everyone !!

This week it is my turn to be analyst of the Ladies & Gentleman group. This week our subject was PLE which Personal learning environment. Firs of all, I want to give the definition of the PLE exactly.

The term personal learning environment (PLE) describes the tools, communities, and services that constitute the individual educational platforms learners use to direct their own learning and pursue educational goals.

When it comes to the evaluation part as the role of the analyst, this week we have chosen 3 people in the group and we started to discuss these 3 people's personal learning environment. Me, Stina and Mitchell were chosen. Each of us started to talk about our personal learning environment.And then we put one photo which we think represent us in Thinglink. Actually this week it was not much like usual weeks because we all hadn't roles and there is not much thing that I can evaluate as an analyst.
If I evaluate the group work as the worst and best part, there was not anything worst and as a best part ; when each of us ,the chosen people, said their learning environment, the rest of the group tried to listen us and analyze our model of learning environment. Also, the tool Thinglink was a good and useful one that we can use it in our daily life like other accounts. It can be used in every area of the education or any other areas.That was all for this week.

Have a nice weekend!!

Task 10, PLE, Mitchells picture

Mitchell learns mostly from working, as he works teaching (watersports) his day a day at work is full of interactions with other people, interactions that allow him to learn. When you spend all day in a place like a sailing school every day you have to treat with someone different, and theres many opportunities to learn from. For instance, every person you teach has a job or a hobby or something you are going to learn about while talking to him in the lessons, you can also learn from the people at your work place, everybody has to learn from a colleague when new in a job.
Nevertheless, work isn't the only place where he learns, he also often reads articles on internet (through self interest) and through everything he is studying at university, obviously.

Task 10, PLE, Ebru's picture


Hi! Iam Ebru from Ladies&Gentleman group. I want to talk about my PLE.
I am a kind of person that love to learn something by interacting with people who are older or more experienced than me. Also, making associations between things are important for me because it is always a good way to not to forget something. I mean the more associations you make, the more knowledge is permament .Inspriation, create, colloborate,connect, communicate,research are core elements that people should have these features. I think like many people, I have these more or less.Moreover, I like to learn searching on the internet or looking for some sources in the library. I generally use Google, Powerpoint,Blog,Twitter,Facebook,Instagram etc. When it comes to criticize myself, as everyone can not be perfect, maybe I can use more technological apps both to save my time and to be more creative because these tools provide many opportunities. Why I chose this picture ? Because, suppose that I am an unexperienced little bird that I am trying to learn to flying from older birds and share their ideas. 

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Task 10 - PLE, Stinas picture.

I have chosen the suitcase as a picture that represent my learning. Just becuase I mostly learn by doing. I need to exerience things to understand better and to get a better point of view. And the symbolic meaning of the suitcase is that I choose what, how, when and from who I want to learn. I can either pack or unpack knowledge or choose to make some experience more important for myself. I think that, that is why I like learning by doing just because you get to reflect more over the things you are leanring and it gives you a chance to change your mind and be creative about the things you learn. Which is important to know when you re a teacher just because no child will learn in the same way so we need to give them a lot of oppurtunities to learn in a way that is best for them.

That was all. Hasta luego!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Week 11, blogpost by the Star, Samuel

Hi everyone!
I'm Samuel and this week I was the Star of Ladies & Gentlemen's group.
This week, our task was doing our presentation but in a special way: it had to be like an electoral speech.
All groups were nice, but we did a little performance simulating an interview. Pedro introduced me as "Little Michi", I really love that nick, then I started to talk. Meanwhile, Mitchell, Stina, Louise and Ebru were my interviewers, so they asked me some questions.
At the end of that scene, Pedro took a paper in which "Next Day" was written. The fake next day I recieved a letter, handed over Mitchell, and after reading it, I simulated a call with my mum. Then, next day, my character, as the new headmaster, was introduced to children.

I hope people had fun with it because, in some way, I love making little performances and to improvise funny things. I think "Dramatic Arts" bachillerato helped me to be like this.
I hope fun too, but it was too hard for me to be serious because, as you know, I'm a very smiling person.

That was all Folks, see you next week.

Week 11, post by the analyst, Pedro

Hello, I'm Pedro from Ladies&Gentlemen and this one was my second week as analyst. As the other time, I have to say that I'm very proud of every member of my group again.
On Monday, as every week, we decided the roles for each member of our group. But it was on Tuesday when we were available to meet and do our work about Leadership.
I have to say that after only two or three hours, we left the work almost finished, at expense for our individual preparation.
This week we have shown that we have done it. The same as we admit that our group started a little lost because of the distance we live and the lack of trust between us, this week we have demonstrated the amazing progress we have made, finishing our work so easily and so effectively. And the satisfaction is even greater when you realize that this moment has arrived on the exams of June's eve. And even more when several peers in other groups give you the congratulations for the work that you have done.
We are finishing, we have the last squeeze to try to overcome a course which says us goodbye. I know that maybe I'm not the right one to tell you this. But as the last role that I exercise as the analyst, I feel compelled to wish the maximum encouragement to each member of my group and to each of my classmates.
See you ;)

Week 11, post by the Curator, Mitchell

Hello everyone!
This week we did an activity where we learned about different types of leadership, which I found very interesting because I myself have worked with many different "bosses" and I have always liked comparing them, and obviously try to be more like the one I have liked best.
Here you can acces the same link we did to learn a little bit more about leadership styles

If you cannot acces the link here I give you the reference so that you can look for it,
Hoyle, John R. "Leadership Styles." Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2006. 595- 98. SAGE Reference Online. Web. 30 Jan. 2012

Have a nice weekend!!

Week 11, blogpost by the journalist - Louise

Hi everyone!!

This week I was the journalist and the group dynamic of this week has been really well. We have been understanding and been taking care of our time limits and made the best of the situation. On Monday we just summoned everything up and that was it, Tuesday we worked on really hard to finish as soon is possible because we have a lot of different classes to take care about. And Tuesday night everyone was practicing their parts. So to summon are dynamic for this week, we can say that; it was good! 

I believe that our group have been working hard the times we could, because of our classes we always have to put in much effort in those few hours we have on Tuesdays. Because of our classes. The time table is not really cooporating with us all the time. 

But here is some evidence of the weekly work

Week 11, blogpost by the Facilitator - Stina

Hi everyone!!

This week I was the facilitator and the task was about showing four different types of leadership. Authoritarian, participative, transactional and transformational leadership.

The began with us, summing up the text that we got from Linda. We read some of the text each and decided to bring some our ideas for how to make a campaign of it. The next day we had the ideas and we decided to make a theatre, and the play was supposed to be about a principal having his final speech as a part of his campaign. We got this idea really quick and it seemed that everyone liked it so we just worked along nicely this week. I think everyone did a good job. And as the Facilitator I tried to share as much of my ideas as possible and then let everyone have a say about it. I think I decided a lot of things this week and I hope my group was okay about it.

My thoughts about the roles is that there are no way that you only can apply only one leadership role when you are a leader, principal, teacher. Every situation will need a different kind of handeling things. And when I was thinking deeply about it I believe that the ground rules, the rules that says "this is the way our schools is running or stands for", can be lead by the authoritarian leadership, because those are rules you must imply without asking or having someone in mind while applying them. And the. You continue to lead with transformational, with a bit more changeable rules , and then participative and later transactional. Every role has it pros and cons so there is no easy way to only use one of the roles. If you do you will get a hard time leading!

Hasta luego!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Week 11, blogpost by the Translator, Ebru

Hello everyone !

I am Ebru. This week I am the translator of the group. As you already know, I will try to mention about five most important topics about this week task.This is our 11th week and we are getting closer to the end. By the way as the Linda said in the class, when we compare beginning part and now, we can clearly see how we are developed. This motivate us and make us work harder and do better. Now, let's look at 5 important concepts of this week.

-Leadership styles:  Leadership style consists of a leader's general personality, demeanor, and communication patterns in guiding others toward reaching organizational or personal goals.

-Authoritarian leaders: Who is on the top and takes decision.It is stated in the text that people must be forced to work, closely supervised, and rewarded or punished based on individual productivity.

-Participative leaders: This kind of leaders work colloboratively with group members, love each other and they are like family. It is stated in the text that  productivity and human relationships were closely linked, and opened inquiry into informal structures and social systems.

-Transactional Leaders: They are like that ' If you give me, I will give you.' That is to say there are rewards and punishment.

- Transformational Leaders: They always pay attention to develop themselves and looking for the future.
That's all for this week. See you in next task !!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Week 10, Post by the translator, Pedro

Hi everyone. This week I'm the translator of my group, Ladies&Gentlemen.

- Stop motion: a technique in which successive position of objects or people are photographed to produce the appearance of movement.
- Decalogue: basic rules for an activity.
- Inclusive education: A prototype of school in which there are no selection processes of students or any type of discrimination against them with the objective of defending educational rights, equality of opportunities and participation.
- Ratio: the maximum number of students that a teacher can has per classroom.
- Advertisement: It is a notice which attract public attention.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Week 10, blogpost by the curator,Mitchell

Hello everyone! It's Mitchell again but this week I am the curator.
As you have already seen on my colleagues posts this week was about doing a stop motion video. Luckily I already knew what a stop motion was and how to do it so we didnt have to look for any information, which makes my job this week a bit boring.
Here I leave the link to the document where you can read the decalogue of the new education which we were supposed to represent in the video. Have a nice easter! 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Week 10, Blogpost by the Star, Samuel

Hi everyone! I'm Samuel and I was the Star of Ladies & Gentlemen's group this week.
First of all, I liked so much the way of presenting our ideas, as a stopmotion. It's very creative in spite of needing a lot of hard work.
We presented the educational decalogue's ideas in a stopmotion video using some play dough and Mitchell's camera. Our tripod was a book and a butterfly knife and our study was a white tablecloth and a white board.
It was very funny the fact of using play dough, I remembered when I was a little child and I couldn't stop playing with it, just making my imagination fly. Cool times, I think.
Last Wednesday, we presented all our videos and we did a competition such as Eurovision, we voted our favourite videos depending on the creativity, the precision and how well done were them.
The winners were "Spacers 2.0" , followed by "Fishers in the River".
This week was so interesting to work, I can't wait what is next week preparing to me.
Thank you very much for all your attention and...
!Vivan los caballos del vino!

I hope you to have a nice week, bye!!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Week 10, blogpost by the facilitator, Louise

Hi everyone!
This week I was the facilitator of our group "Ladies & Gentlemen".

This weeks task was to make a stop-motion movie about education decalogue. I think the method is a fun and creative way to learn. On Monday, we always choose a role, and then we divide the task so we are well prepared for the second group meeting. But this week the text was written in Spanish and we are three students in the group who only understands English, so the guys in our group had to read the text and then share their knowledge with us. At the second meeting was everyone working good, we built different Play-Doh figurines, photographed and produced the stop-motion film, etc.

On performance days, it was fun to show our film and see the other films. I think the message of our film was clear, even if we did not get as many points in class. My role this week went well because my team members took their own initiative.

Here is the link to our stop-motion film:

I hope you enjoy the movie!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Week 10, blogpost by the Journalist, Ebru

Hi everyone! I am Ebru. This week I was the journalist of the our group( Ladies&Gentlemen). This week task was to make a movie by using stop motion and it was about education decalogue.
As in previous weeks, we shared our roles and started to work on our part. This week task was a little more difficult than previous weeks.

First day, we tried to figure out what was content and knowledge that we should know about education decalogue and trying to work on it. Actually in this part we as a three erasmus students couldn't understand and study much because of the text was written in Spanish but our other group friends tried to help us. After we discussed and exchange our ideas , we decided to make our movie by using play dough.

Second day, we decided to meet at one of our friends house because this task required much time to work on it together. We met at the Mitchi's house. When we went there, they had already started to work and they were doing some shapes with play dough. Then, according to ten concepts that we wrote about education decalogue, we tried to make some shapes to give the image of them. Each of us did one of them individually. After each concepts play dough shapes, we took pictures and videos . At the end we combined all.
On wednesday, actually I couldn't go to the school but my friends told me how was it. There was like eurovision contest like Linda said before. Each star presented their movie and then each group scored each video. Our group was the 6th one among all groups. To be honest we expected a better result but the other groups also did theirs very well.

Finally, this was the 10th week of the term. I realized that our group processed a lot from the beginning to until now. Day by day , we get accustomed to each other so we can produce good works together.
Here is our photos during the week.



Week 10, Blogpost by the analyst, Stina

Hi everyone! This week I am the analyst and this week our task was to make a movie, using the stop motion method!

Using movies as an educational purpose is a really good way of expressing different things, it is a useful learning method and it is also a good way to vary the lectures. What we might not know when we are seing different types of films we do not think about the hard work behind it. So the best part of this activity was to notice how difficult but also challenging it is to make a good educational film. It takes time, creativity and a lot of effort. Which almost everything does, as the life of a teacher. But the important thing is that we learned that everything takes time and it was a great feeling when the movie was done.

The worst part of the task was realizing that it is really difficult to brainstorm and making the video an educational one. Even though I do think we did it well, the worst part is still hard to do a movie when you really want it to be perfect, but with in a very small time limit. So I believe that the best moment of the week was when we were finished and also when we were in the top 6 after the contest in class. The worst moment was probably then that we were not in the top three ;-) because we had really hoped for a great educational film and we did not really get there, even if our movie was good according to ourselves.

I think the whole group has learned a lot about how hard it is making a movie and sending the right message to the audience. I have learned a lot about that at least but also that making a good movie is about being prepared before you start shooting. Being prepared is everything when you are studying to become a teacher and it will be everything when you are a teacher. I think that is the most important thing and that is what I will bring with me for all the things I will do in the future. Being prepared and communicate.

For next week I think that we will bring our good and creative ideas and I think that we will try to communicate better for next week and try to be more present in the groups work.

What we have does this week I think is linked with everything we done earlier. It is about TPACK, the school organization overall and also the small details about how to present in the best way, what are we using as materials to represent education and so on. I think that primary education you can link with your daily life as much as you can compare it with sience. As we said before the proffesion is so complex that there is almost no wrong answer. It always depends on the situation and what type of people you are dealing with. And by sharing all our ideas by the film we did this week and the last week others can use it in similar situation but we also need to have in mind that others might think the tasks we are doing are wrong because they never been in that kind of situation. Everthing is very complex and we need to have have that in mind while we are studying but also when we become real teachers.

That was all I had to say for this week. Hasta luego!!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Week 9, blogpost by the translator - Louise

Hi everyone! 

This week I (Louise) was the translator of "Ladies & Gentlemen". I have collect the five most important terms we have learnt during this week. 

  • Teacher-student connection: The relationships between the pupils and the teacher. The teacher need to have a positive and responsive knowledge. The teacher need to be aware of the student knowledge, experience, expectations and values to make sure the student will feel encourage to learn.

  • Connection with Peers: Connectivist learning theory is knowledge develops through relationships and connections. The social aspects with peers have a strong influence on students. 

  • Connections within the learning context: The teacher aims are to control and develop the learning environment so that pupils are behaving and learning in the way that they believe to be effective. If pupils believe that their beliefs or efforts are not respected by the teacher, the connection between the teacher and the students will be weakened and this will have a negative impact on the learning environment.

  • Connections beyond the classroom: Connections beyond the classroom refers stresses the options new communication  technologies give us to teach from a distance. Today we have many different ways to take contact and even teach without having to be physically present.

  • Connection within learning Learning is based on connections and the relation of different concepts you have learned in order to get a new one. All the concepts you have learned over time are all interconnected and form the basis to learn something new. 

Last week we didn't have a good week but this week have been much better so now we are back on the right track again! This week we have not had to met as much as we have done the other weeks but I think we have distributed the work well and everyone did their job very good.

The funniest thing according to me was that we were working together with other groups in the class on presentation day. We filmed a movie that would be 3 minutes long. Each group was given responsibility of one part: The parts is teacher-student connection, Connection with peers, Connections beyound the classroom, connections within the learning and connections within learning. We could`t see everyone's films, so we're going to do that on Monday and I'm looking forward to it!

// Louise 

Friday, March 31, 2017

Week 9, blogpost by the Analyst, Samuel

Hi! I am Samuel and this week I was the Analyst of Ladies and Gentlemen's group. I have to do a reflection of our work done this week; so, let's go!
This week the work was splitted in 6 parts because we couldn't meet any day and each member of the group did his job clearly.
The best part of this task was the way of organize the work because we finnaly focused on doing whatever the task was about.
The worst part? I was ill this week so it was too difficult to do many things because I had a lot of headaches and my paceful time was a bit limited.
Finally, in my opinion, we must conserve the way of organise the work because it's a nice way of doing all the tasks in the minimum time possible, and we should improve our way of work: this week we have started to use google docs to join all our summaries; and we should improve in this way, I mean that we should use software like this to progress in our way of using technologies and wasting less time.
That's all folks! See you next week :-)


Week 9, post by the Curator, Ebru

Hello everyone!! I am Ebru. This week I was the curator of the Ladies&Gentlemen group. Every week we have to choose a different role in the group so the role 'curator' was the one that I had not done before. The curator of the group  is in charge of compiling and organizing the academic references (APA style) that the group is using (effectively) on each activity. However, this week we just used the article that teacher send us. Also, it was not necessary to use other sources like internet. This week we formed new groups again like last week and we made a video about the content we took that was the peer to peer connection. I think we made good job this week with friends from different groups. We made a good video and we wish you like it.
Here is our video:

Week 9, post by the Facilitator, Mitchell

Hey there everyone! I'm Mitchell from Ladies & Gentlemen and this week I am the facilitator.
It is not the first time I'm the facilitator, normally I quite enjoy this role because who doesn't´t like telling people what to do? But this week I must admit, my group has worked very well so they have made my role really easy. Though it is true that the last couple weeks I have felt like I had to be on top of people telling them what to do and I felt a bit stressed, but gladly this week where it actually was my role everyone has worked very well and been helpful.
So in conclusion, my group is back on track I am very happy with their work, and I have had an easy week thanks to them. Not much to say as a facilitator when your group works so well.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Week 9, blogpost by the star, Stina

Hello everyone!

This week I was the star of our group Ladies & Gentlemen and the task was about expressing the different relationsships complexities by recording them.

First of, we started by telling what relationship we thought was the most complex. I chose the relationship between teacher and student but I ended up recording the relationship between peers. When my group were complete we went to an empty classroom and started to record. Well, I told them what I had in mind and let my group have opinions about it and tell me if they wanted to do something els. But everyone seemed pleased with the idea. So we ended up making a silent movie by showing the complex relationship by peers.
My group was a very ambitious group. At first very quiet but later they had many great ideas and I think the movie ended up really well. I'm glad that the members of the group are really easy to work with and really supportive of each other. I had a blast.

Now to my reflections...

I still think that the teacher - student relationship is the most complex. Just because relationships between humans overall is complex. And also because this relationship is what all the other complexities are based on. If the teacher - student relationship is a good one the connections within learning will be easier and also connections within learning will be more effective if the peers are surrounded with positivitsm and a safe environment of learning. I believe that every connection or relationships has some kind of foundation. I mean, we can say that, for example, if I want to start a new political partie I need a foundation of how my political partie will grow and what ideological ground I am going to have. Therefore everything needs a foundation to grow. And in my case by choosing the teacher-student relationship as the mose complex, I will say that it is the most complex just because we need, as teachers, to know how we should make this relationship or connection the best to make everything els work. If I have a problem with a relationship with one of my peers, we will have a hard time cooporating in class and make learning fun and interesting.

And to link this with the movie we made, showing the complexity between peers, it is important for a teacher to be a rolemodel and have good relationships with all the students, to show the students that it is possible to have good relationships no matter how different you are. And if you can show that, as a teacher, the peers will hopefully copy your way of engaging with all the peers, to eachother.

And I want to finish this reflection by saying that, the moste amazing thing with the profession as a teacher is that you can refer to anything to explain the complexity of the school organization. For example, make up. You need a good foundation to make the eyeshadow stay through the whole day. You do not begin with the eyeshadow and then using the foundation. Because then the eyeshadow will not show. Did I make my point clear? I hope I did.

Thank you guys for this week it has been really fun!

Hasta luego!

HERE is our video (without music, because there came some other important things in the way, but the music will be there on mondays presentation).

Week 9, Post by the Journalist, Pedro

Hi everyone, I'm Pedro and this week I am the journalist of my group, Ladies&Gentlemen.
This week we distributed our roles on Monday, and we haven't had to meet many days. We separated our work so it has been easy for us. We only met on Monday to start the task. In the end we put every part together to complete the task.

See ya next week!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Week 8, blogpost by the Translator, Samuel

Hi there!! My name is Samuel and this week I am the translator of Ladies and Gentlemen's group. This week we were taught about complexity in the school environment. So here are the most important terms that we learned:

1.-Complexity theory: a theory that emerged from physical sciences. It explores how communities changes is focused in the complexity of the systems rather than in individual cases.
2.-Diversity and redundancy: it is linked with the way of put in some new methodologies. If these ones are not redundant to the context, they are removed.
3.-The balance of randomness: it's the relationship between the newer changes in the world that has to be balanced with the systematic pressure.
4.-Edge of chaos: it is the place between chaos and openness. It is located in schools with diverse population.
5.-Digital age: it is our age, the age of technology (computers, smart phones, etc).

That ones were the terms that, in my opinion, have to be explained. It was a pleasure clarify them for you, see you next week!

Samuel :-)

Week 8, post by the Journalist,Mitchell

Hi there everyone!
Im Mitchell from Ladies & Gentlemen and this week I am the journalist. And Im very excited about this I must say! Having studied Film and Media last year, and knowing about video making and editing, I thought I'd take advantage of this knowledge and try to stand out in what was going to be my future profession last year. I have tried to do something completely different, instead of taking photos on my phone and doing an easy task I have decided to do a video with a small follow up of every day we have met. It has been a big effort, it isn't hard to take videos instead of photos, but the editing process takes a lot of time, so after all my effort I hope it was worth it and that you enjoy. One last thing, Id also like to encourage my classmates to try do different things and excede in their task, it only takes doing what you do best to be original.

As always, here a provide you what I consider an interesting link. This week was about the complexities in teaching, but it wasn't complexities that happen inside the classroom at an instant moment. Here I have a text on the difficulties of teaching inside the actual classroom, so like that you will have the information from two different focuses.

Have a nice weekend!

Week 8, post by the Star, Ebru

Hi everyone! I am Ebru and I was the star this week. 
This weeks subject was the Complexity Theory and we read the article the teacher gave us, we had some ideas about this theory and the task was to  search for news from 2016-2017 about 6 topics in the article. 

Actually, this week all groups confused a little bit about the task. Some groups had the same news or news that weren't related to their topic so they had to make less than 7 news. Each group gave one of their news to other groups so all  new groups had one news from each group. By these news, we created a newspaper by ourselves as a group and we used web 2.0.Our group task was to prepare news just about complexity and we gathered news about complexity.

This week, star's role was to be the Editor of the newspaper. That's why the stars had many responbilities in this task. When we started to work on the news, each of us took their role and did their work. Some of us translated Spanish news into English, some of us wrote the news on the web page so we worked collaboratively. When we faced a problem, we discussed and solved it together.
The big problem of this week was not being able to finish our task on time so we couldn't present our newspaper. Therefore, teacher said that we had no time and we will do it on monday.

Finally, to be honest, I am very proud of these every weeks tasks because we don't follow a traditional system and we don't study to just theories of courses. Every week, we use a different kind of presentation by using technological tools. As a teacher candidate, we will see all  benefits of these works in the future.

I am proud of these works and group working but we should always think about how we can develop ourselves more not just staying at the same point.
These are things that I can say for this week, see you in next educatory tasks!!

Let's look for the newspapers!