Friday, March 24, 2017

Week 8, blogpost by the Translator, Samuel

Hi there!! My name is Samuel and this week I am the translator of Ladies and Gentlemen's group. This week we were taught about complexity in the school environment. So here are the most important terms that we learned:

1.-Complexity theory: a theory that emerged from physical sciences. It explores how communities changes is focused in the complexity of the systems rather than in individual cases.
2.-Diversity and redundancy: it is linked with the way of put in some new methodologies. If these ones are not redundant to the context, they are removed.
3.-The balance of randomness: it's the relationship between the newer changes in the world that has to be balanced with the systematic pressure.
4.-Edge of chaos: it is the place between chaos and openness. It is located in schools with diverse population.
5.-Digital age: it is our age, the age of technology (computers, smart phones, etc).

That ones were the terms that, in my opinion, have to be explained. It was a pleasure clarify them for you, see you next week!

Samuel :-)

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