Friday, March 3, 2017

Week 5, post by the Facilitator, Louise

Hi everybody, my name is Louise and I was the Facilitator this week. 

On Mondays we always meet to prepare for Wednesday's presentation. But this Monday, I was unfortunately ill. But one group member informed me what I missed so I could catch up. We are a group that collaborates very well and everyone is doing their job. We are good at sharing ideas and thoughts with each other. I have tried to take responsibility as facilitator by answering questions and be supportive. I think my role this week is interesting role to have, it can be a lot of work or the opposite, depending on the group. This role likewise the other roles are good that we get to practice, because we need them to become great teachers. 

It's always fun to see everyone's presentations and, of course, when our star present our work. Here are some photos from Wednesday's presentations! 


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