Friday, March 3, 2017

Week 5, post by the Journalist, Samuel

Hi!! I am Samuel and this week I'm the journalist of Ladies & Gentlemen group, so let me tell you how we have worked this week, we had to do a presentation explaning creative commons license and another one in which we would explain any subject. We chose "Pluricellular organisms organization".

On Monday we were told about what to do in this task, later we started doing it.

All focused ^.^

Mitchy never takes a break

Gentlemen at work

On Tuesday were doing this task until 4:45 pm, we finished so exhausted!!

Finally, the great day came, Pedro was nervous, but ready anyway. He was all the time trying to calm down with his stuffed wolf "Bim el Gordo".

I've met Bim!! I'm so happy! ^.^

Pedro trying to calm down, Bim helps him so succesfully.

Pedro is finally calm, he is ready to present our task.

Sincerely, Pedro was amazing at his presentation in spite of being nervous; he did it perfect. I really felt so proud of him because he reminded me, and the whole classrooms, that this is being a teacher, defeat your fears and do all you can to reach your goal: being a Teacher. Congratulations Pedro, you really deserve this.

Here are some links to learn more about creative commons:

 And pluricellular organisms organization:

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